Dear Lutheran Campus Ministry Community,
In these confusing and troubling times, we want to update you on how Lutheran Campus Ministry is responding to COVID-19 and the changes in UW campus protocol. We encourage you to check social media and emails regularly as the situation unfolds.
UW-Madison Protocols
Lutheran Campus Ministry has made its decisions about how to respond to COVID-19 in consultation with University administration and is following the protocols they have shared. Additionally, we have been monitoring the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and the Dane County Health Department. We strongly encourage you to monitor these sources for accurate information.
Taking Care of Yourself & Others
It may be tempting to minimize the situation, especially since symptoms of COVID-19 can resemble other minor winter ailments. However, we strongly encourage you to stay home if you are not feeling well and to practice social distancing whether or not you have symptoms. These practices will help to protect those who are vulnerable to the virus, such as people over the age of 60 and those with compromised immune systems. Practicing social distancing will also help to flatten the curve and ensure that those who need healthcare will be able to receive it.
LCM Events
In accordance with the university’s requirement that all student organizations cancel in-person meetings beginning Friday, March 13 at 5pm, Lutheran Campus Ministry will cease in-person gatherings at that time. Some LCM events, such as Bible studies and meetings will take place through virtual connections. For the most part, the Student Center will be closed through April 10. Please check facebook and our website for updates.
Community Lunch & Food Access
Our “Taste of Grace” community lunch will be suspended until at least April 10. However, The Keep Food Pantry, located at Luther Memorial, will continue to operate on Thursdays. We are in conversation with other campus ministry organizations about providing meals in a “grab and go” format. We will share more information as it becomes available.
Pastoral Care
Please reach out to Pastor Emily with any physical, emotional, or spiritual concerns during this time. She will be available via phone, email, and zoom if you would like to connect one-on-one.
Peace amid Anxiety
As we face the unknown, we remember that God is our refuge and strength. As Psalm 46 tells us, “Though the earth shall be moved, though the mountains shake … though the waters rage and foam and the mountains tremble … The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold.” We are servants of a God who walks alongside us in all things.
In the next days and weeks, we pray together:
Almighty and merciful God, you are the only source of health and healing; you alone can bring calmness and peace. Grant to us, your children, a consciousness of your presence and a strong confidence in you. In our pain, our weariness, our anxiety, surround us your care, protect us with your loving might, and permit us once more to enjoy health and strength and peace; through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Amen.
May God be with you and bless you.
In Christ,
Pastor Emily, LCM Staff, and the LCM Board of Directors
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