The city, like the Church, is a structure. Often referred to as a building, the Church is more than that. We are the Church—the people—built on one foundation, Jesus Christ our Lord. If we are the Church, what makes up the city? 

Saint Augustine outlined an idea of two cities which humans have access to through two passports. He wrote that humans have one passport to the world in which we live and move and work, and the other to the City of God. One is a city of unbelief and the other is a city of faith. With these two passports, given to us at Baptism, we have the option of believing in Christ Jesus, the Son, or wandering away from him into darkness. 

As revealed to us in Revelations, this idea of the City of God is a city on the hill. In Matthew, God calls us to be His City on a Hill. 

Finally, in Hebrews, Abraham is looking forward to the city on a hill, built on the foundation set forth by God. It is our faith that builds this city on God’s foundation. We cannot get there through long travel or wandering, but by genuine faith in the Lord’s promises for us.

Lord, teach us to be your Church, to be your city on a hill, that we may love and serve you and be a light in our communities and a witness to your love. Amen.

Jaret Schroeder,  2020, Faith & Vocation Fellow

For he looked forward to the city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

Hebrews 11:10