Pretty pine tree, right? Well, sort of. And those are female cones, can you believe that? Go ladies!

When the snow recedes and the days get longer, I was taught to look past the sea of green and pick out details. There are some jack-in-the-pulpits, and over there, the wood anemone. Until recently, all of that went unnoticed.

God has been there, whether I recognize him or not. It’s a wonder, then, why it takes me great effort to truly see. But like the evergreen cypress, who’s leaves remain green throughout the season, God’s love persists, even when unrecognized. Have conversations, ponder, and study—trust me, you’ll witness more of God’s tree.

Heavenly and earthly Lord, we pray for recognition. Let us pause and be a witness to your presence in our lives. In your gracious name, Amen!

Casey Sweeney, LCM Alumni ’12

O Ephraim, what have I to do with idols? It is I who answer and look after you. I am like an evergreen cypress; your faithfulness comes from me.

-Hosea 14:8