Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist

Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist

Today is St. Mark the Evangelist’s Day. St. Mark was the author of the Gospel according to Mark. He played an important role in the early Church and was martyred. Prayer of the DayAlmighty God, you have enriched your church with Mark’s proclamation of the...
Springtime Optimism

Springtime Optimism

Having grown up in Wisconsin, I have always viewed springtime with cautious optimism…warmer temps, and thoughts of summer come to the forefront of our minds. Yet, more often than not, we are slammed by an unexpected cold front or a snowstorm. This cautious...
Grace & Gigabites

Grace & Gigabites

It’s not a tactics-and-techniques kind of book; more importantly, Ryan Panzer describes the ways technology has influenced and changed our culture over the past decade with priorities of questions, community, collaboration, and creativity all having become more highly...
Connecting to Church Life

Connecting to Church Life

Last year disrupted many so things for us, especially our connection to our church life. While many churches around the country have reopened, many remain closed, and many congregants still feel unsafe to attend in-person worship. While nothing virtual can replace the...