Meaning in the Music

Written by Greta Eggert (’23)
LCM Digital Community Intern 21-22

Music plays an influential role in many people’s lives, especially on a college campus.  Take a look around the next time you find yourself on University Ave, almost everyone’s got their headphones in and their heads down.  Chances are they’re probably listening to music.  

LCM Digital Community Intern Greta Eggert 23′ recently reflected: “As a twenty-year-old college student pushing her way through life and struggling to find peace, I turn to music as I find myself in a strange place with my faith … The uncertainty of it all can be quite overwhelming, and it’s at times like these when I have learned I should turn to God. ”  

As a part of her work this year, Greta has curated a playlist of songs that she says “helped reconcile [her] thoughts, questions and opinions based in faith and everyday life.” You can find her playlist on Spotify and read some thoughts on some of the songs in this blog series. Greta invites you, saying, “if you choose to give some of the songs a listen, I hope that you too will find yourself transported and transformed by the words of God.”   

Explaining Jesus

Explaining Jesus

This song kills two birds with one stone.  First, it perfectly puts words to some of my insecurities which is reflective in and of itself, but the secondly after Searcy explains these scenarios in which one may feel anxious, sad or guilty, he says, “I’m sorry no...

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How to Be Yours

How to Be Yours

This song is one of my favorites.  It was one of the first songs I really resonated with.  As I mentioned before, I have been in a strange place with my faith.  Lost in this web of what I should do and what I want to do.  As a college student...

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Meaning in the Music

Meaning in the Music

Music plays an influential role in many people’s lives, especially on a college campus.  Take a look around the next time you find yourself on University Ave, almost everyone’s got their headphones in and their heads down.  Chances are they’re probably...

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