
St. Augustine once wrote: “Our heart is restless until it rests in you.” At LCM, worship is an opportunity to pause and remember that we are God’s people, beloved just as we are even in the midst of busy and hectic lives.
Thursday Night Evening Prayer
We gather for Evening Prayer every Thursday at 5:30pm, at Luther Memorial Church, next door to the student center (1021 University Avenue). This brief contemplative service includes music, scripture, and time for reflection and prayer. The music changes from season to season, and sometimes the service includes a short reflection. After worship, we share dinner and fellowship at the Student Center at about 6:00pm.
Sunday Morning Worship
On Sundays, we join the intergenerational congregation at Luther Memorial Church for Holy Communion at 8:15am or 10:30am (En español at 12:30pm). Luther Memorial was founded by UW students in 1907 and offers worship that reflects on the richness of Christian tradition and music. You can usually find a group of students sitting together near the back of the sanctuary at the 10:30am service. Please join us!